What can I
do for you

Every day our environment shapes our beliefs and behaviors, influencing the way we perceive our own reality.

This tainted reality entails things that we love while also things we recognize need to be changed in order for us to be at our best. Although few of us might be able to recognize this need for change, we still hesitate whether we are capable of changing those deep-based beliefs and behaviours. Instead, we opt to accept our reality just the way it is becoming victims of inertia putting our happiness at risk.

Here is where I dare to ask: Do you want to delete these excuses and rationalizations you repeat to yourself and take control of becoming the person you want to be?

Mommy Time

These sessions are oriented to Mothers living abroad that feel in need of a new perspective and guidance to break through the numbing routine to unlock the blessings and joy that come with motherhood as an Expat.

Expat coaching

These sessions are oriented to individuals or couples who had just taken the decision to journey into the experience of living abroad for the first time, or had been living abroad for a while and find themselves in need to (re)discover their True North.

Career Coaching

These sessions are oriented to those seeking a career change and/or aiming to further develop their leadership skills , helping you to rediscover what truly motivates you and in which type of work environment you would thrive.



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