
Mommy Time

Two years ago I became a mother while living abroad, it gave me a profound sense of purpose and fulfillment. And yes it also made me feel both the happiest person and exhausted at the same time. It challenged both my mind and body, with a heart bursting with love as never before and a body so tired I sometimes felt it falling apart piece by piece…what a selfless act of love and genuine duty of care towards another human being you barely start to know and for whom you already know you would give your own life to make him/her happy.

Being a mom is as rewarding as challenging, it comes with tons and tons of endless joy, laughs and love; yet there will also be days when you feel like giving up, sacrificing your routine, your own personal time is hard. Is even harder when you are a Mother living abroad without that ‘well-known’ environment where you know how to solve and face the unpredictable. Where you have others to rely on blindly.


Raising a child abroad means not having your family and close friends to lend you a hand when you just need a sleep or the minimum ‘Me’ time you crave for to recharge and feel ‘you’ again. What is also true, is that during those tough days you feel like living someone else’s life, there is a profound transformation taking place inside you. You are awakening a whole self which will help you thrive in this new chapter just starting in your life, with a renewed sense of purpose. You will be able to adapt your lifestyle and learn to take the most out of your days using your precious time wisely. You will learn to rise to the challenge and emerge stronger and wiser both as an individual, partner and now also as a mom. Taking care of all those versions of ‘You’ is absolutely essential to feel balanced and enjoy every facet of your life at its best.

These sessions are oriented to Mothers living abroad that feel in need of a new perspective and guidance to break through the numbing routine to unlock the blessings and joy that come with motherhood as an Expat.


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