

Expat coaching

Moving to a new country and living abroad is a once in a lifetime experience. It changes you. It gives you the unique opportunity to gain perspective and see the world through different lenses and with that re-discover yourself. Gives you the precious chance to break through all labels and all that you once believed it ‘defines’ you, in order to retain and put forward whatever truly helps you become the best version of yourself.

Expat life is so much more than the so-called ‘American dream’. It brings as many blessings and learnings as challenges, given the fact it also means leaving behind your home-town, family, friends and whatever made you feel comfy at ‘home’ until then.

As in every voluntary decision, there’s something you gain and something you knowingly leave behind. And that sense of ‘loss’ for many of us can also be painful. During this transition you will be going through very different emotional stages; the depth, duration and intensity of each phase is unique and extremely personal thus cannot be labeled or solved with a silver-bullet. It goes from curiosity and excitement all the way to uncertainty and anxiety, from feeling a unique sense of ‘freedom’ to feeling utterly homesick. There is no right-wrong path, there is a path, which every person experiences in many different ways. I can assure you that you gain as much as you are willing to. I am not going to tell you it is going to be a walk in the park, yet I can promise you it is absolutely worth it.


These sessions are oriented to individuals or couples who had just taken the decision to journey into the experience of living abroad for the first time, or had been living abroad for a while and find themselves in need to (re)discover their True North. Every session starts with a good dose of self-awareness, coupled with a deep understanding of the journey ahead allowing you to accept your current circumstances, whatever these are, and most importantly, be daring while gentle and kind with yourself in order to unlock every opportunity and shape what comes next. We will also work to create and maintain those habits that help you keep your energy at the right levels and stay healthy, one step at a time, and so establish a virtuous-cycle around you to thrive and be at your best!.

Let’s together discover and unroot the great blessings that surround you.


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